Solution 1:

Example sentence:

  • Our picnic consists of sandwiches and lemonade.


  • Our picnic comprises sandwiches and lemonade. (Edited- thanks Scott)

  • Our picnic contains sandwiches and lemonade.

  • The components of our picnic include sandwiches and lemonade.

Solution 2:

There are all sorts of alternatives:

  • Testing is XX hours of continual operation ...


  • Testing subjects each unit to XX hours of ...


  • Testing requires each unit to perform ...

or, if there is more than one test:

  • Testing is in four parts:

    1. XX hours of ...

Or if you're really tired of thinking up verbs:

  • Testing: xx hours of ...

Solution 3:

Testing consists of continual operation, alternating between random writes and random reads.


  • Testing entails continual operation, alternating between random writes and random reads.

As in this text:

Why Test Automation is Critical to Continuous Testing
To fully understand why test automation is so critical to continuous testing, it’s important to make clear what exactly continuous testing entails and why it came about.


  • Testing means continual operation, alternating between random writes and random reads.

As in this text:

On the contrary, distributed testing means that a test consists of several parts and each of them is performed on a separate computer.

However, the term “distributed” means not only a simultaneous run of tests on a number of machines, which is specific for parallel testing.


  • Testing calls for continual operation, alternating between random writes and random reads.

As in this text:

And how we should shift left requirements engineering and design to address the damaging impact of defects and rework stemming from ambiguous or incomplete requirements. More specifically, Paul cites that this new model for testing calls for “attempting to identify the distinct thought processes involved in exploring sources of knowledge and the system under test and to scope, design and select meaningful and valuable tests of systems.”

calls for