"As they are referred" vs. "As they appear" when we discuss terms and their definitions

A technical document is one that sets out technical matters. The words and phrases that are used may appear to have meanings in terms of conventional English usage but to assume that these meanings apply within the limited scope of the document is to lead to confusion and error. To take only a handful of examples: pressure, momentum, impulse, energy and force are all words that may be found in dictionaries with meanings much looser and more varied than those required in a technical document describing the ballistics of rifle bullets.

If a technical document is to fulfil its function of describing processes, devices and uses of technical matters, it best starts with a definition of the terms and the way they are to be interpreted within the document, thereby excluding misunderstandings arising from the more common and wider meanings.

I therefore suggest that the section is best titled “Definition of Terms”. Your question is a little ambiguous between terms and names, so you may prefer “Definition of Path Component Names”.

The standard in technical IT writing is Naming Conventions for Path Components.

Also, Path Component Naming Conventions.

Naming Conventions

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