First-person narrative of a story occurring at the moment

Solution 1:

You are correct.

Wake is the correct first person singular present active form of the verb.

This is the alternative (switching tenses in the middle of the sentence):

I woke up at 7 am and see no sunlight entering my room.

You might be better off just changing the tense of all the verbs to past, because present tense writing is seldom necessary and often slightly ambiguous; it sounds a little like you're saying, "Every day I wake up at 7 am..."

Solution 2:

Short answer, yes, you have the proper tense and usage.

However, narratives are seldom told in first-person present; even if the intent of the author is to have the story feel as if it's happening right now, the author usually chooses past tense, because we as readers are most used to that tense when being told of of events that have occurred, even if they have just occurred (as in a newspaper or breaking news).