Next Meeting vs. the NEXT Meeting

My organization meets the same day (3rd Thursday) every month. On our web site, I am displaying rotating announcements with details for "April Meeting", "May Meeting", and so on. I want to add headers so it is clear to everyone which meeting is next, but I am stuck on the word NEXT.

I am looking for a two-word title to express the meeting that is happening within the next thirty days, and another two-word title to express the meeting that is happening a month AFTER that.

Today is April 11th. In Slot A is the April Meeting. Do I label it "This Meeting", "Next Meeting", or what?

In Slot B is the May Meeting. Do I label it "Next Meeting", "Upcoming Meeting", or what?

How about "This Month's Meeting" and "Next Month's Meeting"? I know it is more than the two words but it is simple and makes sense.

Or if two words are a must, why not simply put "April's Meeting" and "May's Meeting"?