New posts in repetition

Other examples of or name of an indefinitely repeating phrase in a sentence

What's the term for a phrase made of two words that have the same meaning?

How can this sentence be correct?

Is there a name for using a word twice in a row to express different levels of a similar thing? [duplicate]

Is 'this this' correct?

how to use"and" in a list [duplicate]

What is the literary device used in “She’s not just showing you what she made. She’s showing you what she’s made of”

using had had in a sentence [duplicate]

Is the repetition of a pronoun instead of stressing it possible?

How to avoid repeating "her" three times in one short sentence?

Term for sentences using multiple repeated words

Can we use two pronouns side by side?

Rhetoric: Repetition of prefix

Is this proper grammar? “Can a can can a can can a can?” [closed]

When can I omit a redundant 'that'? [duplicate]

Repeat Adverb in a list or is one time enough?

Better use of "that that" — or not [duplicate]

Is it proper to start a sentence with the word that ended the last sentence?

need to repeat the subject in a coordinate clause?

Double words in a sentence, what is this called?