New posts in literary-techniques

What is it called when a character is portrayed opposite the stereotype for comedic effect?

What type of a literary device is this? [duplicate]

Why do depictions of foreigners in English media compulsively insert foreign words from their mother tongue?

Word for a phrase that by ambiguity could be accidentally self-deprecating

What is it called when the last word of a sentence is also used as the first word of the next sentence? [duplicate]

What is the name of this rhetorical device involving the use of One. Word. Sentences. For. Effect

"Lessen, poisoned gulls, ditcher wander hair annulled furry tell a boarder Slipping Booty?"

Term for: People acting normally while others disbelieve

Literary term for referring to a future event in the story line

What do you call it when people mix truth and lies?

What type of literary technique is the phrase 'star-crossed lovers' in 'Romeo and Juliet'?

Seeking a name for literary device/technique involving denial and hypothetical dialogue

What is “narrative nonfiction”, exactly? Isn't every nonfiction narrative?

'She looked incredible. Then she looked at me'

Literary term for an obvious understatement to emphasize excess

Looking for Literary technique's name

Is 'Rumbling' an example of an onomatopoeia?

Is there a term when the final spelling of a word is changed for rhyming purposes?

What kind of literacy device is "“Amen” stuck in my throat."?

A word for 'independent episodes'