New posts in literary-techniques

Term used for juxtaposing different meanings of the same word

Name for a conversation where two people are talking about two things, without their knowledge [duplicate]

Term for puns in graphics - "Can"cer be beaten

Searching for a literary term for “if this, then I’m a this” statements

Usage of we instead of us [duplicate]

Is there a word for the narrative technique of a last-second change in mood?

Using 'a' with an uncountable entity

Understanding 'rather do we'

Language technique of preposition starting a sentence?

What is the correct term for a story that sits alongside another one in time and place?

What is the technique to make something normal appear abnormal?

What is the name of the literary technique for this?

Is there a technique for when a verb is used to conjure up a distinct image? [closed]

Is there a term for adjectives / modifiers that don't, at face value, seem to apply to the noun modified?

Is there a name for when the same word is used at the beginning and end of different phrases/sentences?

Is there a word to describe a highly desirable cursed treasure?