What is the word or phrase that describes the feeling of well-being or satisfaction from an act (for example spring cleaning)

I am undergoing a rigorous "spring cleaning" exercise, where I am either donating to charity, selling on eBay or simply throwing away old possessions.

Having cleared out an entire room that was filled with boxes it felt "good" / satisfying or perhaps gave me a sense of well-being that wasn't present before.

Is there a word or phrase that describes this? other than "feels good" ?


Someone might derive gratification from a rigorous spring cleaning exercise.

"a state of being satisfied"

I will go with, sense of accomplishment. Ngram

Doing yard work or going on a spring-cleaning binge around the house gives you a sense of accomplishment. GPRX to Depression and Anxiety


To "feel a sense of accomplishment" means to feel like you've achieved something great. Here are some events that might make you feel a sense of accomplishment:

winning a sports tournament

getting a really good job

doing your taxes two months early

In order to "have a sense of accomplishment", you need to do some work first. If you won a lottery, you would feel great, but you probably wouldn't feel a sense of accomplishment. PhraseMix

I've heard catharsis used to indicate the psychological benefit of venting repressed emotions, such as anger and frustration, through some physical exertion, particularly cleaning. The idea is to purge the psychological trash with the physical.

the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, especially through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music.

Dictionary.com: catharsis

fulfilment? That does suggest a finality, either because you were expecting a result or because it's been an ambition.