Capitalization for email greeting: Good morning OR Good Morning [closed]
In an email greeting "Good morning" does the word "morning" need to be capitalized? Is it Good Morning or Good morning?
Solution 1:
Good Morning would appropriate if it where a title or together as one for something but in a general greeting, the lowercase is m is just fine.
Solution 2:
1. If you search Google images for "good morning" you will discover that the following occur on greetings cards:
Good Morning!
good morning!
However I did not see an example of "Good morning" on a greetings card.
2. If you are writing dialog, only the first word should be capitalised, e.g.
"Good morning!" said John.
"Good morning, John!" I replied.
3. If it is the first line of an email, my choice would be, e.g.
Good morning! Thanks for those photos you sent me ...
but I don't think it would be incorrect to say:
Good Morning! Thanks for those photos you sent me ...
I would say that it is a matter of style.