Word for a gift you get by virtue of your job

I am certain I once read a definition of a word that describes the gift you get only by virtue of your job and not really given to you personally. Like, when the US President gets a rug from the Ambassador from Afghanistan, it's not for Barack Obama the person, it would have been given to whomever the US President was at the time. I have searched and searched, and although I have found amusing examples of gifts and the laws, rules and etiquette around them, I haven't found this word. Can anyone help?

Solution 1:

Apparently the term for this, at least according to the U.S. government, is "protocol gift". From the homepage of the U.S. Department of State's "Protocol Gift Unit":

The Protocol Gift Unit within the Office of the Chief of Protocol serves as the central processing point for all tangible gifts received from foreign sources by employees of the Executive Branch of the Federal government. The Unit is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the official record of all gifts presented by the Department of State to officials of foreign governments.