Word that is nearly but not quite, hypochondriac or malingerer or Munchausen sufferer?


I made a doctor appointment for a minor health worry. The usual practitioner was on leave so I saw a locum. The new doctor was quite dismissive and may have written something disparaging in the medical notes. I was worried my regular doctor might be influenced by this.


I wanted to say to my GP.

I enquired about problem X while you were away and your stand-in was quite dismissive. I wouldn't like you to think I am a _______ "

Excluded answers

hypochondriac - This was a real ailment and the locum admitted it but dismissed it as unimportant and seemed to think I was wasting his time. In fact it turned out that my own GP commended me for mentioning it as treatment was needed.

malingerer - I was not trying to shirk my work or responsibilities. I wanted treatment so I could carry on with my daily activities.

Munchausen sufferer - This stems from a desire to interact with doctors as much as possible. That doesn't describe me at all. I prefer to keep away from doctors and hospitals.


So what is the term? Can you offer me a single word or, failing that, a concise phrase.

Solution 1:

"I wouldn't like you to think I am a valetudinarian"

Oxford English Dictionary:

A person who is unduly anxious about their health.