New posts in can-could

Can't ask for or couldn’t ask for what to use in this following context? Is this phrase Couldn't ask for has any particular grammar rule? [duplicate]

Why is "can" so often preferred over "could" in hypothetical questions in media headlines?

Can or could, which is correct, or at least better? Why? [duplicate]

Are "should've", "could've", etc. valid short forms of "should have" and "could have"?

Are these two sentences distinguishable on contextual grounds? [duplicate]

Why is it "could" and not "can" in the famous line: "If a face could launch a thousand ships"? [duplicate]

Is it incorrect to say "If you could"?

"Can" vs. "could" in asking a question [duplicate]

Difference between "can't do" and "can't be doing"

Is the structure "can have verb-ed" possible?

Meaning of 'could have done something'? [closed]

"Can have" vs. "could have"

Can vs Could usage differences

Is either "can" or "could" more polite? [duplicate]

If only you could see what I have seen with your eyes

When should we use "can", "could", "will", "would"?

When do I use "can" or "could"?