New posts in mood

Is this sentence grammatically correct: "She would make for a convincing Amy." [closed]

‘have been’ VS ‘were’

"Something as Received" versus "Receiving Something"

What counts as a tense? [duplicate]

Which of these sentence is correct? subjunctive or not?

"Small Latin and Less Greek"

wish sentence with past perfect ... before going [duplicate]

Why does the US judicial system use the emphatic mood so much?

How many tenses are there in English and what are they? [duplicate]

subjunctive followed by indicative

What is the grammar of "CJ Dennis had 2 edit suggestions approved"?

Can someone explain mood of sentence begining with " Can I say of..."

"If he come" vs. "If he comes"

"Was" and "were", which is correct in this context? Can a mood be established in a terminating clause?

Sequence of Moods (Subjunctive)

Can a hypothetical "could" main clause stand on its own without an expressed conditional?

Is it correct to say 'I wish some magic happens'? [closed]

Whose tense is it, anyway?

Why do sentences that start with "guess" end with a question mark?

How many tenses are there in English?