New posts in whiz-deletion

Is it popular to omit "as" while using "consider this one that one"? [duplicate]

Is there any difference between “ i was woken up by a ringing bell” and “ i was woken up by a bell ringing”?

Is it Gerund or adjective?

What part of speech is "the closest" in this case? [duplicate]

Why Shakespeare used "come" in the line "A Daniel come to judgement?"

"If not for his wide, thin lips, perpetually drawn in a single disapproving line, she would have liked him too." [duplicate]

If I were to remove the "which is" or "that is" from an adjective clause, which type of adjective phrase is formed? [duplicate]

Use of which in a sentence

Dropping of "was" from "A couple of ministers had to resign too, among them [was] Interior Minister Fouchet."

Removing "who were" in "The park was empty except for a group of people who were stretching, jogging, and doing Tai Chi" [duplicate]

How can an adjective follow and modify an adverb in “somewhere new”? Is this ellipsis?

"that" omission, subject-verb distance [duplicate]

On the structure of "search for weapons and bands of pro-Hussein fighters still holding out"

Omission of "is" in "She thought the study of Latin a waste of time."

What is the grammatical topic of this shortening technique?

Can a preposition have the form of superlative?

What do you call a past participle+noun construction clause such as “No offense meant” “Your point taken,” “With that said,” and “Given that”?

Shakespearean relative clause: "I have a brother is condemned to die"

Noun + Gerund Structure Differences [closed]

"named" vs "that is named"