New posts in subordinate-clauses

Comma after nonrestrictive adverbial (dependent) clause at the end of the sentence

Comma before "which" in the following sentence? [duplicate]

"so many ...that"

Coordinating conjunctions in translation of Kafka

We can see the shrine "become/becomes" big

SAT grammar question: Why is this "them" incorrect?

adverbial clause acting as adjective

Tense Inconsistency (Past Simple and Present Perfect) or wrong Sequence of Tenses (Present tense follows Past tense)?

Is a non-restrictive relative clause a subordinate clause?

asyndeton in speech

Grammatically, why does it seem that 'that' can't follow the verb expressing propositional attitude in this sentence?

Past in subordinate clauses

the tense of the verb in a subordinate clause

How do I understand the syntax of “He puts to good use things other people have thrown away”?

What does the complementizer "that" accomplish in terms of style?

Why “can” not “could” in “She was one of those people who can. . . .”?

Comma separating subordinating clauses

Can you embed a main clause, or does it always have to be subordinate?

Nesting subordinate clauses immediately one after the other

As vs That in this sentence