New posts in oxford-comma

When is it okay to not use a comma before an 'and' or 'or' followed by an independent clause? [duplicate]

Oxford comma with nonessential phrases

Comma - American versus British, Really? [duplicate]

Why do we use a comma before "and"? [duplicate]

Regarding Punctuation [duplicate]

Is there a comma *after* a list with an Oxford comma?

Coordinating conjunction for connecting list items

Is a comma before a conjunction optional, or old? (not talking about lists) [duplicate]

Should I use the so-called Oxford comma, or not? [duplicate]

Usage of Oxford comma in particular case [closed]

Comma separating subordinating clauses

Which is the correct usage of "and" in American English in this example? [duplicate]

Usage of the Oxford Comma with "and"

What do missing an Oxford comma and having it mean respectively here? [duplicate]

Can I omit the comma in this sentence? [duplicate]

Is a comma followed by 'and' grammatically correct?

Is the solution of the Maine Legislature to the Oxford Comma Case.....clunky?

Is there an "Oxford semicolon"?

Can I use a comma before an ampersand?

Why is there no comma before "and" before this independent clause?