New posts in subordinate-clauses

Comma preceding subordinate clause in the middle of independent clause

Indirect speech - which statement is correct? [duplicate]

What does this sentence actually mean?

How to understand the ingredient of this sentence?

The Chauvet cave is unique because its preservation is unprecedented ? despite containing the oldest paintings ever discovered. Comma?

Is there a well-known secular sentence that uses all three of the imperative, indicative, and subjunctive moods?

Do these two sentences use the possessive case of gerunds properly?

Comma before a coordinating conjunction in compound-complex sentences?

Non-conditional IFs [closed]

How do you decide which clause is "independent" and which clause is "dependent"/"subordinate"?

Why would you call "before" a preposition when it precedes a clause?

Can we ever use "that" and "who" right next to each other?

Cleft sentences (main and subordinate clauses analysis)

Does "to guarantee that" require a subjunctive in its subordinate clause?

Commas with nested subordinate clauses both of which are restrictive (essential to the meaning)

Verb tense consistency in a sentence [closed]

Why does "that" sound odd to me after "said" in these sentences with "as" and "like"?

Problem converting 'even though' clause to 'despite' clause: 'Despite losing...'

Understanding 5 consecutive "that"s in this sentence

Starting a sentence with two subordinating conjunctions