How to understand the ingredient of this sentence?

I saw this sentence from the internet,

The input to this transformer should be an array-like of integers or strings, denoting the values taken on by categorical (discrete) features

I can not understand the second part of the sentence. What's the function of the word 'taken on'? How to analyze the ingredient of this sentence?

Maybe my computer science background can help - I don't have any experience working with transformers but this verbiage is similar to my trade.

To me this feels like it's missing a word and wasn't proofread for clarity. I would assume it should be rephrased as follows:

The input to this transformer should be an array-like series of integers or strings, denoting that represent the values taken on by of categorical (discrete) features

I do not know exactly what these "categorical features" are, but the use of "discrete" implies that they are unique. My best guess is that the array-like input maps to an analogous array of categories, and each entry controls a particular feature.