New posts in construction

Term for construct in which adjective completely changes the meaning of its following noun?

Is it correct this construction with the expression "have something in mind"?

Is there a name for the type of shorthand sentence that excludes yourself as the subject? e.g., "Going to the park."

Humour through repeated use of a construct, with a final variation?

What colour eyes

Why is the verb to be in the infinitive in 'Praise be to God.'? [duplicate]

Why can you use relative clauses with implicit complementisers or relative pronouns?

What are the differences between the following? [duplicate]

Which one is correct: built or to be built

Is there a name for this format - '5:number :: k: ? '?

Get a high speed connection without roaming charges instantly

"just because… doesn't mean…"

What does the construction "indefinite article + adjective" mean?

"Was to " vs "was to have "

What's the reason for using the ‘passive voice’? [closed]

Is "Please be reminded to ..." a valid construction?

Use of "make someone able to XXX"

I am looking forward to ....? (followed by a Gerund)? [duplicate]

Rhetorical questions with "used to"

One of the best universities in the world to _______?