How to compose a single phrase/write a sentence for this? [closed]

This is related to covid19 issue.

I'm not native so can't find words to describe it in a sentence. But here's what I want to write:

Since covid19 issue hasn't stopped yet, and we can't stop our routine works, so it's time to continue our routine tasks (many countries are removing lockdown like in India because otherwise it would affect economy) but we must follow the rules and take precautions. Along with that, we can do our job, household stuff etc.

Now, it doesn't mean I need to include all things in a single sentence.

Here's the sentence I've written, but I'm not sure if it's grammatically and practically correct to share online:

Let's continue are routine tasks but with following rules and regulations and taking precautions, during this COVID19 issue.


I'm also doubtful about the beginning of this sentence. Let's continue thing.

Does it mean I'm saying "You were not following this before and not doing your routine tasks before, and I'm kind of encouraging everyone to start it NOW"?

If yes, how can I improve the beginning especially?

Solution 1:

First, the word "are" should be "our." Otherwise, the sentence may be improved as follows:

Let's continue our routine tasks, following rules and regulations, taking precautions during this COVID19 crisis.