New posts in tiling

Maximal tiling without any 3-in-a-rows

3D picture of the 38-sided Engel space-filling polyhedron

What rectangles can a set of rectangles tile?

Dominos ($2 \times 1$ on $2 \times n$ and on $3 \times 2n$)

Elementary proof of transformations of domino tilings.

Partially tiling a square with parallelograms

Decomposing the plane into intervals

Intuitive/direct proof that a rectangle partitioned into rectangles each with at least one integer side must itself have an integer side

how to use DWM and patch it in Ubuntu 20.04 gnome?

Tiling problem: 100 by 100 grid and 1 by 8 pieces

Transform point in the Poincaré disc to point in tile

Penrose Tile generator

A tiling puzzle/question

Tiling window management with Unity

What type of aperiodic tiling is used by Turkish Airlines on their bathroom walls?

A regular tetrahedron can be dissected into $1,2,3,4,6,8,12,$ or $24$ congruent pieces. Is this it?

Are there polyominoes that can't tile the plane, but scaled copies can?

Ubuntu 18.04: Put window into screen corner

If a finite set tiles the integers, must it be an arithmetic progression?

Tiling a floor with squares