How to divide a pizza into $n$ parts?

Let's say you have invited $(n-1)$ people for dinner. You decide that the main course consists of one pizza for each guest, so you order $n$ pizzas. Unfortunately, the pizza guy on the scooter trips on his way to your house and loses all but one pizza.

As you don't want to disappoint your guests too much, you try to divide the (round) pizza up into $n$ equal pieces, so everyone gets an equal share. You are, however, not in the company of someone with a compass. You do have an unmarked ruler and a pen that can leave a colored, eatable solution on the pizza. You can also fold the pizza as much as you want. You can use the creases on the pizza that are left one the surface of the pizza after one has unfolded it.

We assume that the pizza is perfectly round.

Question: Is there a method by which we can divide the pizza into any $n$ equal parts using the prescribed materials and rules?



Solution 1:

Quick trip to google brought this up.

Here is evidence that it can be done:

It is possible to do all compass and straightedge constructions without the straightedge. That is, it is possible, using only a compass, to find the intersection of two lines given two points on each, and to find the tangent points to circles. It is not, however, possible to do all constructions using only a straightedge. It is possible to do them with straightedge alone given one circle and its center.

The Circle is our pizza.