New posts in matching-theory

Can you win the monochromatic urn game?

Graph with even vertices and ${n-1}\choose 2$ $+ 1$ edges has a perfect matching

The existence of a common set of representatives deduced from graph theory

Extremal combinatorics

A magic trick - find out the fifth card if four is given

Prove that the sum of minimum edge cover and maximum matching is the vertex count

Mistake in OEIS A103904?

For this grid prove it has a scattered black diagonal. [duplicate]

Cantor-Bernstein-Schröder Theorem: small proof using Graph Theory, is this correct?

Number of perfect matchings in a complete bipartite graph without any edge repetition

How to find a maximum matching in this graph

Prove that a $k$-regular bipartite graph has a perfect matching

Undirected connected claw-free graph with even number of vertices implies existing perfect matching

A 3-regular graph with at most 2 bridges has 1 factor.

An optimal non-bipartite matching (Python implementation)

Can every d-regular graph be decomposed into at most d+1 matchings?