New posts in permutations

Largest symmetric group contained in alternating group

how many permutations of {1,2,...,9}

Permutations of a set that keep at least one integer fixed

Permutation with Duplicates

Why is $PGL_2(5)\cong S_5$?

Am I computing the centralizer of $(1, 2, 3)$ in $A_4$ correctly?

Which finite groups have their minimal permutation degree equal to their order?

How many such different permutations? [duplicate]

Poker and Combinatorics (Don't Mix): How to solve this problem?

Is there a "natural" / "categorical" definition of the "parity" of a permutation?

$k$ balls are thrown into $n$ bins, what is the probability that no bin is empty (all balls different)?

If $n\ge m$, then the number of $m$-cycles in $S_n$ is given by $\frac{n(n-1)(n-2)\cdots(n-m+1)}{m}$.

Prove $S_4$ has only 1 subgroup of order 12

Triangular numbers ($\text{mod } 2^n$) as a permutation of $\{0,1,2,\dots,2^n-1\}$

Least permutations needed to permute from decreasing order to increasing order

Prove or disprove: The minimum number of transpositions needed to decompose $\sigma$ is $n-S$.

Explicit isomorphism $S_4/V_4$ and $S_3$ [duplicate]

Elements of $S_n$ can be written as a product of $k$-cycles.

Irreducibility of the standard representation of $S_n$. [duplicate]

What is an intuition behind conjugate permutations?