New posts in group-presentation

Group presentation of $A_5$ with two generators

The kernel of free group map to surface group

Finitely presented group with fewer relations than generators.

Presentation of the trivial group

Can the map sending a presentation to its group be considered as a functor?

Find the upper central series of $Q_{2^n}$.

Determining the presentation matrix for a module

How do you prove that a group specified by a presentation is infinite?

Group Presentation of the Direct Product.

Intuitive understanding of the Reidemeister-Schreier Theorem

Presentation $\langle x,y,z\mid xyx^{-1}y^{-2},yzy^{-1}z^{-2},zxz^{-1}x^{-2}\rangle$ of group equal to trivial group

Group presentation for semidirect products

Classifying automorphisms using a group presentation.

Show ${\rm Aut}(G)$ is a $2$-group, where $G$ is given by a particular presentation