New posts in semidirect-product

Semidirect product action and its geometry

Semidirect product: general automorphism always results in a conjugation

Classifying groups of order 60

Semi-direct product in general linear groups

Central extensions versus semidirect products

All non abelian groups of order $56$, when $\mathbb Z_7\triangleleft G$

What's the smallest non-$p$ group that isn't a semidirect product?

Group of order $pq$

Verifying the Jacobi identity for the semidirect product of Lie algebras

Universal property of $N\rtimes K$

Semidirect product of two cyclic groups

Semidirect Products with GAP

What are the subgroups of a semidirect product?

What is the relation between semidirect products, extensions, and split extensions?

Showing the existence of an automorphism between two semidirect products

A question about equivariance to 3D transformations using semi-direct and direct products.

Show $G=\langle\delta\rangle\ltimes D$ is nilpotent of class $2$.

Showing, for $G=\langle\delta\rangle\ltimes(A\times A)$ and abelian $A$, that $Z(G)=G'\cong A$.

What is the history of the semidirect product?

Characterization of the isomorphic semidirect products