New posts in fractals

Convex hull of the Mandelbrot set

Are there mini-mandelbrots inside the julia set?

Simplest way to determine if a number is a member of the Mandelbrot set?

How to optimally adjust the probabilities for the random graph-directed IFS algorithm?

Finding the location of an image of the Mandelbrot set

Fractal dimensional analysis?

Geometrical objects whose volumes are fractional powers of their sizes

How to compute a negative "Multibrot" set?

Can we prove the Mandelbrot set is a fractal? Which maps/processes produce fractals?

Properties of the Mandelbrot set, accessible without knowledge of topology?

How to express tetration function, for complex numbers

What real numbers are in the Mandelbrot set?

Mandelbrot boundary

How to prove a property regarding periodicities of points in the Mandelbrot set?

Behavior of Pascal's triangle in $n\mod m$ where $m>2$, any fractals?

Self Study of Fractals

The Mandelbrot Set Membership

Is Fractal perimeter always infinite?

Why are fractal curves nowhere differentiable?

Fractal identification