New posts in brownian-motion

Consistency of a family of probabilities in the construction of a pre-brownian motion

Area enclosed by 2-dimensional random curve

Is there a name for the stochastic integral using the right end of each interval?

Integral of Brownian motion in a 2-d box

Finding $\mathbb{P}(\max_{t\leq 1} (W_t+t)\geq 1)$

Definition of the Brownian motion

Brownian motion and covariance

Calculating the expecation of the supremum of absolute value of a Brownian motion

What is $\mathbb{E}[W(s)\mathrm{e}^{W(S)}]$ where W(S) is a standard Brownian Motion?

Laplace transform of integrated geometric Brownian motion

Sample path of Brownian Motion within epsilon distance of continuous function

Stochastic Differential Equation solution for Geometric Brownian Motion

A Brownian motion $B$ that is discontinuous at an independent, uniformly distributed random variable $U(0,1)$

Calculation with Ito processes, what is $ds \, dt$, $dW_t \, ds$ and $dW_s \, dW_t$?

Quadratic variation of ito integral

Applying Ito formula to the Brownian bridge

Is a vector of independent Brownian motions a multivariate Brownian motion?

Strong Markov property of Brownian motion

Solving SDE: $dX(t) = udt + \sigma X(t)dB(t)$

expectation of $\int_0^t W_s^2 dW_s $ (integral of square of brownian wrt to brownian)