New posts in transcendental-numbers

Are those two numbers transcendental?

Is the root of $x=\cos(x)$ a transcendental number?

Proof that at most one of $e\pi$ and $e+\pi$ can be rational

a simple proof that $\pi$ is irrational by Ivan Niven

Is $\large \frac {\pi}{e}$ rational, irrational, or trandescendal?

Is every irrational number containing only $2$ distinct digits, transcendental?

Sum and product of two transcendental numbers can't be both algebraic

Non-existence of irrational numbers?

Is my proof that $\log_23$ is transcendental correct?

How to construct a transcendental number

Example of a complex transcendental number?

Are there any irrational/transcendental numbers for which the distribution of decimal digits is not uniform?

Irrationality of $\pi$ another proof

Erdős: Sum of rational function of positive integers is either rational or transcendental

Proving that $\frac{\pi}{2}=\prod_{k=2}^{\infty}\left(1+\frac{(-1)^{(p_{k}-1)/2}}{p_{k}} \right )^{-1}$ an identity of Euler's.

Proof that cos(1) is transcendental?

Is there an explicit irrational number which is not known to be either algebraic or transcendental?

How do we prove the existence of uncountably many transcendental numbers?

Is the real solution of $\ln(x)=-e^x$ transcendental?

Let $x$ be transcendental over $F$. Let $y=f(x)/g(x)$ be a rational function. Prove $[F(x):F(y)]=\max(\deg f,\deg g)$