New posts in noncommutative-algebra

Matrices $B$ that commute with every matrix commuting with $A$

Prime ideals of a finite direct product ring

simple ring which is not semisimple

Finite rings without zero divisors are division rings.

Example of a ring such that $R^2\simeq R^3$, but $R\not\simeq R^2$ (as $R$-modules)

An isomorphism concerned about any finitely generated projective module

Ideal in an Artinian Ring $I=aR=Rb$, prove $I=Ra=bR$

Show $R$ is right-Artinian but not left-Artinian

Have I found a counterexample to Noether-Skolem? (No, but I am confused...)

Is the center of the universal enveloping algebra generated by the center of the lie algebra?

Associative ring with identity, inverses, divisors of zero and Artinianity

Is this a characterization of commutative $C^{*}$-algebras

Prove if a non-trivial ring $R$ has a unique maximal left ideal $J$ , then $J$ is two-sided and is also the unique maximal right ideal in $R$.

The mysterious isomorphism between coinduction and induction

Isomorphism of an endomorphism ring, how can $R\cong R^2$?

Semisimplicity is equivalent to each simple left module is projective?

What is the point of non-commutative probability?

Example of unital non-commutative ring with $(ab)^2=(ba)^2$ for all $a,b$

Each automorphism of the matrix algebra is inner.

$x^n = x$ implies commutativity, a universal algebraic proof?