New posts in noncommutative-algebra

Prove $R/M$ is a division ring for a non-commutative ring $R$ with max ideal $M$

Lifting idempotents modulo a nilpotent ideal

A weak converse of $AB=BA\implies e^Ae^B=e^Be^A$ from "Topics in Matrix Analysis" for matrices of algebraic numbers.

Coproduct in the category of (noncommutative) associative algebras

Defining algebras over noncommutative rings

Why is the constant term of $(1+x+y+xy)^n$ equal to $\frac{1}{2}\binom{2n}{n}$?

Do people ever study non-commutative fields?

Rings with $a^5=a$ are commutative

Torsion elements do not form a submodule.

Smallest non-commutative ring with unity

Does my definition of double complex noncommutative numbers make any sense?

Is a finitely generated projective module a direct summand of a *finitely generated* free module?

Why are Dedekind-finite rings called so?

How 'commutative' can a non-commutative ring be?

(Organic) Chemistry for Mathematicians

Commutative property of ring addition

A ring with few invertible elements

Commuting polynomials in twisted polynomial ring with constant terms satisfying a polynomial relation

If a ring element is right-invertible, but not left-invertible, then it has infinitely many right-inverses. [duplicate]

Subring generated by idempotents