New posts in representation-theory

Some questions about representations of $SO(6)$

Embedd SU(n) into an enlarged twisted Spin(2n) in terms of Lie groups precisely

Does every Lie algebra come from commutator of some associative product operation?

What are the three non-isomorphic 2-dimensional algebras over $\mathbb{R}$?

An irreducible representation of a finite group whose symmetric square is also irreducible

Irreducible representations of a semidirect product

Show that each character of $G$ which is zero for all $g \ne 1$ is an integral multiple of the character $r_G$ of the regular representation

Prove Harish-Chandra's theorem on central characters with algebraic-geometrical observation and the linkage relations among weights

Linear Representations coming from Permutation Representations

Nice parameterization of linear complex structures on the real plane?

Why do the characters not determine the group?

Functional equation of irreducible characters

The mathematics behind Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients

Young diagram for standard representation of $S_d$

Proof of "$L$ / Rad$L$ is semisimple for arbitrary Lie algebra L".

Proving results in representation theory from category theory

Spinor Mapping is Surjective

A representation of a finite group which is not completely reducible

How to derive the general formula for the Killing form for classical Lie algebras?

Why is a root system called a "root" system?