New posts in algebraic-groups

If $A \in M_{n,n}(\mathbb F)$ is invertible then $A = UPB$, $U$ is unipotent upper triangular, $B$ is upper triangular and $P$ is a permutation.

Tannakian theory for Lie algebras

If a complex Lie group has the structure of an algebraic group, is this structure unique?

Can $\mathrm{PGL}_2$ be viewed as an affine algebraic group?

Find conjugation invariant functions without using eigenvalues?

proof of basic fact that torus actions are diagonalizable

How to calculate $|\operatorname {SL}_2(\mathbb Z/N\mathbb Z)|$?

Outer automorphism of SLn

Maximal tori in Lie vs algebraic groups

Is there an internally consistent nearest-neighbor relation in this complete linearization of the 240 roots of $E_8$?

Is supercuspidal representation the same as cuspidal representation?

affine variety definition

Lie Groups/Lie algebras to algebraic groups

Does the Zariski closure of a maximal subgroup remain maximal?

Is there a classification of finite abelian group schemes?

Proving $\pi$ is irreducible/prime in $R.$

Quotient of a Lie algebra by a subalgebra - what is it?

Why Bruhat decomposition in $GL_n$ case is the Gauss decomposition?

Examples of Lie algebras of the $BC$ root system type

Connectedness of centralizer exercise