New posts in graded-rings

Why is the topology on $\operatorname{Proj} B$ induced from that on $\operatorname{Spec}(B)?$

Why is cohomology the direct product of the $H^n$?

Are minimal prime ideals in a graded ring graded?

Does $R$ a domain imply $\operatorname{gr}(R)$ is a domain?

Quotient ring of a graded algebra with respect to a graded ideal

Weighted projective space and $\mathrm{Proj}$

Minimal systems of generators for finitely generated algebras over commutative (graded) rings

Two definitions of graded rings

Decomposition of a homogeneous polynomial

What is internal direct sum or internal direct product in Dummit and Foote?

"Graded free" is stronger than "graded and free"?

If $S$ is a finitely generated graded algebra over $S_0$, $S_{(f)}$ is finitely generated algebra over $S_0$?

Showing that a homogenous ideal is prime.

Homogeneous non zero divisor in a graded module.

Homogeneous ideals are contained in homogeneous prime ideals

The bijection between homogeneous prime ideals of $S_f$ and prime ideals of $(S_f)_0$