New posts in ios6

iOS6 UICollectionView and UIPageControl - How to get visible cell?

No sound on iOS 6 Web Audio API

Run app in iOS 6 Simulator in Xcode 6

contentView not indenting in iOS 6 UITableViewCell prototype cell

MapKit poor scrolling performance with Apple Maps in iOS 6

How programmatically restart an iPhone app in iOS

iOS App Store Pass Parameters in Store Download Link

UIPageViewController navigates to wrong page with Scroll transition style

How to work with deferred location iOS 6?

AutoLayout to keep view sizes proportional

dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier error in my UITableView in iOS5

The advertisingIdentifier and identifierForVendor return "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

iOS Calendar Access Permission Dialog, force it to appear?

ContainerView with multiple embed segues

Facebook SDK 3.1 for iOS - runs on iOS6, but crashes on iOS 5.x

How do I disable the navigation bar shadow in iOS 6 for navigation bars with custom background images?

disable autorotate on a single UIViewController in iOS6

iOS 6 Rotation issue - No rotation from Presented Modal View Controller

Dynamically getting height of UILabel according to Text return different Value for iOS 7.0 and iOS 6.1

UIRefreshControl at the bottom of the UITableView iOS6?