New posts in roots

Geometric interpretation of a quintic's roots as a pentagon?

Is it possible to a root of a Gaussian integer be a Hurwitz quaternion?

Do there exist an infinite number of complex solutions of $3^z+4^z=5^z$?

Zero Polynomials: Help Me Get out of a Circular Argument

Is $f'>0$ enough for Newton's method to converge? [duplicate]

Where is the root morpheme in Modern English evacuate and vacuum?

Do Irrational Conjugates always come in pairs?

Some interesting observations on a sum of reciprocals

Do "empirical" and "imperial" share a common etymology? [closed]

What are the difference between some basic numerical root finding methods?

Polynomials with no solution in polynomial ring $( \mathbb Z / p \mathbb Z)[x]$ [duplicate]

What can be a real world application for solving quartic equations?

Solve $x^7-5x^4-x^3+4x+1=0$ for $x$

If $x\in\mathbb R$, solve $4x^2-40\lfloor x\rfloor+51=0$.

Prove that $f$ has finite number of roots

Find a such that $ax^{17}+bx^{16}+1$ is divisible by $x^2-x-1$.

Alternative methods for solving a system of one linear one non linear simultaneous equations

Repeated Roots of Polynomials Whose Coefficients are Either 0 or 1

Prove that a degree-$6$ polynomial has exactly $2$ real roots

Polynomial with no roots over the field $ \mathbb{F}_p $.