New posts in roots

Challenging probability problem

The etymology of "religion" comes from "legere" meaning to read + "re" meaning again. Or does it? (more inside) [closed]

How to solve a quintic polynomial equation?

Only five solvable quintic equations of the form $x^5+ax^2+b=0$? What are their solutions?

Usage of the word "vi"

Find the number of roots of a polynomial using Rouche's Theorem

Finding Roots of Multiplicity in a Polynomial

Roots of a complex polynomial

If a rational function is real on the unit circle, what does that say about its roots and poles?

Words in Sequence Sharing the Same Root

A visually guided proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra?

Mental $n-$th root of $N$

Root Finding: Use Newton Method in given Interval (or alternative?)

Describe the locus in the complex plane of the zeros of a quartic polynomial as the constant term varies

Prove $\sum_{i=0}^n \binom{n}{i}^2x^{n-i} = 0$ has $n$ negative roots

proving that $\alpha_1+\alpha_2<-3$ which are the negative roots of $f(x)$

Prove the roots of these exponential functions are integers?

Perturbative solution to $x^3+x-1=0$

Is $x$ irrational when $2^{x}+3^{x}=6$?

Prove that $ ax^2+bx+c=0 $ has at least one root in $(0,1)$ if $10a+12b+15c=0$