New posts in regional

"Poor as Job's cat"

Should I pronounce the singular "Irishman" and the plural "Irishmen" identically?

"throw out/away" vs. "toss (out)" vs. "pitch (out/away)" for "dispose of; discard; get rid of as worthless or useless" in AmEng

Are "pay phones" still, if ever, called "pay stations" in the U.S.?

In what region could one refer to honking a car's horn as "hooting"?

How do people in Silicon Valley pronounce "10x" as in a "10x engineer"?

Is the preposition optional in "going down (to) the store"?

Debygawd Cap-en! Where does this phrase come from?

"frightened 'by' spiders" vs. "frightened 'of' spiders" in AmEng

Origin of 'dap' shoe

Where, when, and how did the term 'dogie' for 'orphan calf' originate?

Do people "make parties" in New York?

What do you call a bathroom with no toilet?

Does anywhere else add an 'L' to words ending in a vowel sound?

The rain is "lifting"

Usage of "homework," "schoolwork," and "assignment" in AmEng for schoolwork given to students to do at home

Which demographic of English speakers say "I've to" for "I have to"?

"hundred" and "pretty" pronounced respectively as [ˈhən-dərd] and [ˈpər-tē]

"exhibition" vs. "exposition" vs. "exhibit" in AmEng

WPF StringFormat={0:C} showing as dollars