Are "pay phones" still, if ever, called "pay stations" in the U.S.?

Solution 1:

It appears that pay station was used to refer to telephony in the early 20th century. From "Telephony, volume 11" (1906):

  • NEW TELEPHONE RECORDING PAY STATION. The subject of pay stations is one of great interest and concern, as it is one of the most important devices in the equipment of telephone systems.

From: Webster's New World Telecom Dictionary - Pagina 365

  • A pay telephone is no longer a common sight in North America and many developed regions of the world as the low cost and wide availability of cellular phones have made pay phones unprofitable. Synonymous with payphone is pay station.

AmE Ngram shows that the popularity of "payphone" over "pay station" started and increased from the late 60's.

Payphone (n.):

  • also pay-phone, 1906, from pay (v.) + phone (n.). (Etymonline)