New posts in rest

How to allow a User only access their own data in Spring Boot / Spring Security?

Can you use REST in PHP? If so how? [closed]

Call REST API from PowerShell Script

"404 Resource Not Found" From Azure Blob Storage Document from PUT

Custom JAX-RS authorization - using JWT in each request

Using Clean URLs in RESTful API

version number vs ETag for optimistic concurrency

Web API routing constraint Patch missing in HttpMethod

RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS...?

iPhone REST client [closed]

REST API - Concurrency Check Using ETags

Spring Security - Token based API auth & user/password authentication

Nested resources in MVC 4 WebApi

System.Net HttpStatusCode class does not have code 422


In JAX RS, differences between returning Response and Bean or Collection of Beans (DTO)

Difference between path and value attributes in @RequestMapping annotation

Encoded slash (%2F) with Spring RequestMapping path param gives HTTP 400

Infinite loop with onetomany / manytoone ? Spring / rest api

Including Id in URI for PUT requests