New posts in context

'Later' of 'See you later'

Can 'whom' be used in this context? [closed]

Marco Polo for Windows

Interpretation - "my younger brothers seem never to do anything else."

Flexible change another prepositon [closed]

alternate word for "coupling"

Question about vinegar in expressions

"Schematic Claim" [closed]

What's the difference between the "me" and the "I" used in the quote below?

How common is it to use the term "overland" to refer to transport by either land or sea only excluding flying?

Is it okay to use "babysit" verb in context of own kids?

Meaning of "See that wet, see that dry!"

"Like never before" or "Like you have never done before"

Meaning of draft

"It is that ..." sentences in a non-linguistic context

Pararphrasing question

What possible word that begins with D and ends with Y is used in racial context?

grammatically, rotate + er is it correct?

What is the definition of dig? If someone begins to cut into a surface is it considered that they have dug something? if not, why not?

Meaning of radical punchline [closed]