New posts in early-modern-english

What did James V mean by “afferandly”?

thyself = yourself, what is the equivalent of *others*?

Third person present and past in King James Bible

What's the proper antique equivalent to "Don't you dare"? [closed]

Why did final -ie become so popular during early Modern English?

What does "ioyning" mean?

"If a man write a better book, preach a better sermon..."

News lacks plural but what about TIDINGS?

18th century phrase, the "Great End"

What does Meric Casaubon mean?

How/When did English transform to the modern version we use today? [closed]

What is the grammar behind 'if either thee dislike'?

What is the possessive case and the objective case of "ye?"

What did they use in Old English or Middle English before 'of course'?

When did English stop requiring capitalisation of non-proper nouns? [duplicate]

Is it ever effective to use modern and archaic grammar together?

Middle English or Elizabethan English as a second language? [closed]

Did 'lawyer' have a broader meaning in Shakespeare's time?

Help with older English couplet

What does "might" exactly mean in the following excerpt?