Have the words 'horsemanshipp' & 'warr' been used so in writing, in the early 16th Century?

Solution 1:

"A collection of scarce and valuable tracts ...", Sir Walter Scott, Baron John Somers Somers, 1811, p.332.

In this conjecture, when France in generall, weary with the warr with Spain, passionately desired a peace, and Spain, weakened and exhausted with the warr with England, wherein that crown received more prejudice in three ...

(emphasis mine.) Also notice generall, with a double ell.

Significant dates from nGram: c1810, c1820, c1860

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Note that "Warr" also appears to be a personal name. So, I did not include 'Warr' with an initial capital in the nGram. nGrams begin from 1800.

Solution 2:

The Oxford English Dictionary shows that the spelling warr is found from the Middle English period until the sixteenth century and horsemanshippe (note the final e) is a sixteenth century spelling.