New posts in irregular-verbs

If the past participle of "say" is "said", and "lay" is "laid", why the one of "stay" is not "staid"?

the use of seeks and sought

The sun has shined/shone its shine? [duplicate]

Why did American English change certain past tense verb endings from ‑t to ‑ed but not others?

Why is "builded" an archaic variant of built, given that usually the language evolves the other way?

How do you derive the adjectival form of an irregular verb such as "read"?

Other than “to be”, what verbs in English change in the subjunctive past tense?

Why does the past tense form of sleep have a weak suffix?

“I have come to” vs. “I have came to”

The ambiguity of: "resent your message" [closed]

Does anyone really say "SAYS" rather than "SEZ"?

How common is pronouncing the past tense of beat as /bet/?

Irregular verbs in English - why do so many end in D?

Why do we use two different verb forms for sentences like “that person is broke” versus “that person is broken”?