New posts in relative-pronouns

Can "where" ever be used as the subject of a relative/adjective clause?

Shouldn’t “art” be “is” in “Our Father who art in heaven”?

To whoever it may concern

Syntax of fused relative construction with 'what'

Use "which" or "what" in a sentence with a metaphor/analogy [duplicate]

What matters vs. what matter when starting a sentence

"...will divide the people (who/whom) most need to be brought together" [duplicate]

Why Do English Speakers Use "Preposition + Relative Pronoun" Form?

Can "that" stand after a comma? [duplicate]

When do you leave out the preposition in a relative clause?

"Most of which" or "most of whom"?

Can I use "for which" here?

How to correctly apply "in which", "of which", "at which", "to which", etc? [closed]

When are relative pronouns omitted in a sentence?

fused relatives versus interrogatives

What exactly falls under the label of "complement"?

Is "I am who(m) God made me" grammatical?

How do I choose between ‘who’ or ‘whom’ when the subject pronoun is unclear?

'Who' or 'which' in reference to companies [duplicate]

Does removing the comma before 'which' etc in a non-restrictive clause change the meaning of the sentence?