'Who' or 'which' in reference to companies [duplicate]

What is appropriate to use here, who or which?

There are around 50 companies who/which deliver scanning services to private and business consumers.

Solution 1:

NGrams charts also show that companies which do is currently more frequent than companies who do in British English, but that the opposite is the case in American English. Corpus evidence confirms these trends. The British National Corpus gives 335 returns for companies which and 177 for companies who. The Corpus of Contemporary American English gives 111 returns for companies which and 393 for companies who.

Solution 2:

Today, both expressions are in popular use.

After a long period of vacillation, we seem to be now increasingly in favor of

companies who (do sth.)


companies which (do sth.)

which in this case has already lost to who in AmE. BrE could be following the AmE trend in a way, though not yet quite there.

The choice, though could very significantly depend on context and semantic constraints.