New posts in relative-pronouns

Whoever or whomever: 'happy for ___ has the pleasure of working with you next.'

Can "who" as a relative pronoun sometimes be omitted?

Relative pronouns "where" and "when": where can they be omitted?

What is the correct relative pronoun for "government"?

Singular or plural verb after "what"

Why does legal English sometimes repeat the antecedent noun after "which"?

Is "the hole where the tooth had been" acceptable [closed]

The use of nominative "whom" (as in “persons whom it is foreseeable are likely to...”)

"...programs that each perform..." vs "...programs that each performs...": which is correct?

Could someone tell me how to use ‘that which’ together in a sentence? [closed]

What kind of structure with a relative pronoun is this?

When to use “that” and when to use “which”, especially in relative clauses

What’s the rule for using “who” and “whom” correctly?