New posts in past-tense

Why is it "could" and not "can" in the famous line: "If a face could launch a thousand ships"? [duplicate]

"It had started to snow by 10 a.m. yesterday." vs "It started to snow by 10 a.m. yesterday." [closed]

Should there be the Past Perfect? “He advised me to do as he said but I didn't pay any…” [closed]

How can I use the exact word "will" in a sentence about past? [closed]

Is using "since" and "ago" with the present perfect correct? [duplicate]

The sun has shined/shone its shine? [duplicate]

doesn't has to /have to [duplicate]

Use of past and progressive tense

Is "would" the past future tense of "will" or just a modal verb?

When do you use "talked" and "spoke"? [duplicate]

reporting past simple tense [closed]

"I was no longer working for X" vs. "I no longer worked for X"

Past vs Past Perfect

Past in subordinate clauses

Do "it is time for someone to do something" and "it is time someone did something" mean the same thing? [duplicate]

"comes to have"

Changing usage of past-perfect constructions in American and British usage

"Since she had given up smoking, ..." or "Since she gave up smoking, ..."?

Two past perfect verbs in the same sentence even though sequence is indicated

Difference between "would have" and "would" in the following