New posts in past-tense

Use the ing form in past tense

You enter your living room and see a pool of water on the floor. Do you say “Did you spill the water?” or "Have you spilled the water?"?

Is "thinks I" in Melville's Moby-Dick used in the sense of "thought I"? [duplicate]

Will Today word change the sentence tense? [closed]

Grammar present perfect past perfect

What does 'had been long settled' mean?

Using present participle and past tense of an acronym

What is the meaning of: "When I was in New York, I had visited the Statue of Liberty"?

Past progressive construction

Past perfect or present perfect?

Is "flewed down" an attempt at past imperfect? [closed]

If I don't know an action is completed, which past tense do I use?

The perspective of people in the future looking back at now

Is the tense of my sentence correct? [closed]

Past or present perfect tense for event happened last night [duplicate]

Present Perfect Vs Present Perfect Continuous and Simple Past/ Past Perfect Vs Past Perfect Continuous [closed]

Is this past tense or has this changed to present tense?

Replacing past perfect tense with past tense

Past modals and "like" [closed]

What is the tense of "You should do that."? [duplicate]