New posts in passive-voice

What kind of complementation for "be regarded"?

So, "The company's meetings are scheduled" means "someone schedules them (regularly)" or "someone is scheduling them (right now)"?

Is "labeled" an adjective or not? [duplicate]

Present perfect continuous in passive voice

How to construct grammatically correct sentences containing the word "want"? [closed]

Double object passives

How do native speakers think about sentences like "The window does not open" [duplicate]

Active to Passive voice: "School classmates make the best friends"

Is this sentence correct? (from a book) [duplicate]

How can I use "fill someone in" passive voice?

Is it there are too many to do or be done?

"Life finishes" vs "life is finished"

Is the sentence "X is located in Y" active or passive voice?

"This is allowed", is this passive voice?

Is the use of the word "been" necessary or proper when discussing a completed event?

Factor into: active or passive?

Passive voice after the verbs "to order, command, tell, ask for"

"based on" usage

which is indicated" vs. "is indicated

Direct object before indirect object